How to increase light of Gas Lamp equal to 100 watt bulb? - PakWatanWeb

Now a days everybody is disapointed about the light of gas lamp. People normally think that gas lamp actually give low light. But they are wrong, gas lamp sometime glows more then 100 W bulb. For the solution of this problem I will guaide you step wise and you will be able to increase your gas lamp light too much.

Increase light of Gas Lamp:

Step I:

In the very first step after fixing Gas Mantle in its place you have to burn it without turning on gas valve.

Step II:

When Mantle burn completely then open gas valve and let it glow on gas.

Step III:

In the next step you will see that its light is not so good then you have to make a little adjustement in the marked Pipe. Slide it slowly up or down you will see that light is changing in every moment. Stop pipe movement where you note that your light is good for your room.

Finally you got what you want.

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