Basic Information About Pakistan - PakWatanWeb

All basic information about Pakistan. Pakistani Facts and figure. Country Profile Static's of Pakistan.

Official Name Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Independence day 14 August , 1947
Founder Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Head of State  Mr.Mamnoon Hussain
Head of Government Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif  (Prime Minister )
Government Parliamentary form
Location: 30 00 N, 70 00 E
Capital Islamabad
Area 796096 Sq Km
Population 16582000 ( According Censes 1998 )
Emblem Faith, Unity, Discipline
National Language Urdu
Official Language English
National Poet Allama DR. Muhammad Iqbal
National Anthem Qaumi Tarana
National Animal Markhor
National Bird Chukar
National Flower Jasmine
National Tree Cedrus deodara
National Sports Hockey
Notional Dress Shalwar Qameez
National Juice Sugarcane Juice
Literacy rate 53%
Currency Pak. Rupee.

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