How to earn money online without investment - PakWatanWeb

Internet is how much important now a days in our life. You all better know then me. But you also have heard about to earn money online through many ways. Now a days many of the students are searching for online jobs because they need more money to manage their daily routine of Pocket money. But I will strongly give them suggestion that "Please instead of wasting time on Facebook Posts, Likes, Comments and many other rough activities on Internet, Convert this time into many" Yes you can convert your time in a huge amount of money through internet. So, I will guide you how to earn money from Internet. But first you should clearly read my small message for you:

" Now a days when people search to earn money from internet they initially goes directly to wrong direction through spammers. Yes! there are many spammers who cash others time and they don't pay them. I was also a victim of many spams but fairly I want you to don't waste time in promoting any link and clicking adds and many other fake activities on Internet. They actually just increase visitors in their websites and then they will not pay you and any other"

You will be got paid only if you actually do real work and time consuming work for anybody. I am wasting my time since last 2-3 years and I haven't earn anything and also you cannot earn like this. Here we go for real way to earn money from Internet. You can really earn money from Internet from these ways:

A. Gigs:

I know you heard Gigs name first time but don't worry I will tell you what is Gigs. Gigs is a business in its own. First you have to think that what exactly work you can do. For example you can sing songs then you will offer others that I will sing a song for you for $5 or you can offer other that I can write a song or poetry for you in $5 or simply you can do any work for anybody for any cost you can final between you and him. Cost is not fix in this case you can offer different prices to different peoples. In Gigs case people mostly confuse that where they will find partner for Gigs but you do not need to worry this is like a piece of cake. You can post your offer for public on Facebook, Twitter and on other social websites.

B. Blogging:

Mostly peoples are earning from creating a Blog. You can create blog from Blogger or WordPress which are more trusted and best websites to create a best and working Blog for you. In a blog you just need to make a lot of posts on a specific field of knowledge on which you have full command. Make your blog and start earning from it but in Blogger case you will need patience till 4-8 months then you will get high results for your website. But during this period try to full your blog with related knowledge and increase traffic on your blog. When you will get high visitors on your blog which are probably 700 visitors per month. Then register your Blog with Google Adsense. This Adsense is actually what is paying you for your blog after placing different advertisements on your blog.

C. Write Articles:

You can also earn money online from being an author in different websites. For example you saw a website which offer you to write an article for them on a payment then write that article for them and you will be got paid. There are many ways to earn money online with article writing which can be blogging, ghost writers who write for others website and by making your own website with your personal articles.

D. Buy & Sale Domains:

You can earn a lot of money from a domain name. First search a domain name online with any domain name tool. Then look for Alexa Rank for that page and then buy that domain. After buying a domain name make a new website on that domain name and then sell it personally on eBay. That will give you some money.

E. Teach as an Online Tutor:

Many peoples are teaching online to students on Internet and you can also earn from teaching anybody online in Internet. You can do it from many ways for example you can use Skype or Facebook video Call to teach your student. Another way fro this is to create a website for this purpose as I make a Blog of where I meet with my students and I make a deal for them and start teaching them. So follow any one idea and start teaching to your students.

F. Freelancing:

In this era freelancing trend is spreading very fast on the planet. You will see every 4 in 10 peoples who are working online in freelancing you just have to register yourself with the website, add your skills and you will get a project related to your skills.

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