How to connect internet wire connector (11 Steps) - PakWatanWeb

Internet or Ethernet wire connector clipping is actually a tough task for anybody but If you have complete equipments then we can make it easy to guide you in all steps to fix it in the edges of the wire.
You will be needed these Equipments for this purpose:
1. Crimping Plier.
2. Electric Testor
3. Networking Cable (CAT-5 or CAT-6)
4. Make a Network Cable Step 11.jpg Testing Meter.
5. Clips for each edge.

If you have all these things. Then congratulation! because you will be able to connect a clip on the edges of your own internet cable. Ready and start following these steps:

Step 1

Unroll your cable and get its edges where you have to connect clips.

Step 2

Now remove the outer PVC cover or jacket of your wire. Do it carefully because in this step mostly people do a mistake to hurt wires inside it. You will find 8 wires inside rolled in four pairs.

Step 3

Inspect all of the wires that either these are protected or not. If not then start from 1st step.

Step 4

Untwist all the wires you found in that pairs. Then you will be able to arrange them according to official procedure.

Step 5

Now arrange all the cables like this arrangement:
(From Left to Right)
  • White orange
  • Orange
  • White green
  • Blue
  • White blue
  • Green
  • White brown
  • Brown

 Step 6

If you are done to arrange these cables in this sequence then catch these cables between your finger and Electric Tester to make them perfectly straight. Because if wires will be perfectly straight then you will be able to insert them in clip very easily.

Step 7

Now Insert all cables in same sequence in the clip. You should do it very carefully and do not let wires to exchange their places.

Step 8

If you inserted all the wires in their required field then put the clip in the Crimping Plier.

Step 9

Now press the crimping plier's both legs to fix the wires in the clip permanently.

Step 10

Repeat all the steps in other edge.

Step 11

Now you are done. Put both clips in the testing meter and switch on the tester meter. If all light glow in the sequence eight times then you are perfectly done and you can use your cable now.

Note: (If you press a clip in Plier then you will not be able to use it twice or more then one time.)
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